Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Overflow More & More

"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best..."
(Philippians 1:9-10a)

The Christian community in Philippi was Paul's first church in Europe. He's writing to them now from prison - to encourage their faith in the midst of hardship. Among the remarks he makes in this first chapter is a prayer for their LOVE to "overflow more and more" with knowledge & full insight. I'm guessing Paul means knowledge and insight of God... that they'd come to know and understand the amazing depth of God's love for all people. That, in turn, would bubble up within them an ever-increasing, over-flowing love for others. Paul's not just asking for "more love," but OVERFLOWING LOVE - more than they can possibly contain! More than they need! Excess, abundance & extravagance!!!

I wonder if we become contenct with "just enough" love? Enough for us, our family, some friends, etc. Like checking the gas gauge in my car, do I put off goin gto the gas station because I know that 1/4 to 1/2 tank is still enough to get by? Paul desires an abundance & overflowing of love for the Philippian community. Their "love tank" constantly stays on FULL! And others can soak up the excess that's oozing out. That's grace. That's God. That's the abundant life Jesus talked about.

PRAYER: Lord, make me never content with "just enough" love... but expand my desire for an overflowing love... that grows daily! Help me to glimpse more of how you love, so I can continue to be inspired in my daily discipleship to imitate that. AMEN.

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