Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Shepherd's job is...

"For I am now raising up in the land a shepherd who does not care for the perishing, or seek the wandering, or heal the maimed, or nourish the healthy, but devours the flesh of the fat ones, tearing off even their hooves."
(Zechariah 11:16)

God is tired of worthless leaders of his people. He resorts to sarcasm here in Zechariah 11:16 (you've gotta love a God who gets into sarcasm!)... listing all the bad qualities of those leaders:
  • They don't care for the perishing... those outside the flock! Those not connected to a life-sustaining community of faith. These will perish without guidance & care.
  • They don't seek the wandering... those within the flock who have strayed, gone off on their own. Sheep (and humans) have this tendency. That's why good shepherds are crucial.
  • They don't heal the maimed... Sheep (and humans!) get wounded in life. It happens quite often. Recovery is possible with the proper care & healing. That's not always the case when left on our own to heal.
  • They don't nourish the healthy... The healthy and strong sheep need care too! They need to be nourished to sustain their strength & vigor. The bad leaders even neglect these.
PRAYER: Oh Lord, give me the heart of a good shepherd... one who leads the way You want me to... caring for the perishing... seeking the wandering... healing the maimed... nourishing the healthy... and seeking to follow You all of the days of my life.

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