Saturday, December 13, 2008

An eye-opening meal

"When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight."
(Luke 24:30-31)

It's Resurrection Day for Jesus, but not everyone knows that! Two of his followers are on their way out of the city, depressed over Jesus' death and the news of his missing corpse. While they're walking, an unknown man comes alongside them and they strike up a conversation - about Jesus! The stranger seems unaware of the "Jesus Saga," so they fill him in. He, in turn, leads them in a Bible Study about the Messiah. They invite him in for a meal and lodging. He accepts. While eating, he picks up bread... blesses it... and gives it to them. Immediately, "there eyes are opened" and they recognize this stranger is really Jesus himself!

I'm sure Luke wanted us to make the connection between the breaking of bread that night with the two, and the breaking of bread with all the disciples during Jesus' "Last Supper." It's not that the bread itself was "eye opening." No. It's what that bread represents - Jesus' broken body! Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus' willingness to give up his life so that others might receive eternal life. That's powerful!

We, in the church, have the opportunity to experience Holy Communion on a regular basis. Many times we (I!) simply remember that Jesus is with us. That's great. But the broken bread of communion is so much more. It's sacrifice. It's love. It's a willingness to give up life so that others might live more abundantly. It's for me... and the entire world - if we'll accept it.

Wow... now that's eye-opening!

PRAYER: Jesus, you not only gave of yourself completely for a broken world, but you call me to follow in your footsteps. Of course I cannot be a Messiah. But I can give myself away for those in need. Help me remember the eye-opening sacrifice you made every time I share in the bread and wine of communion. AMEN.

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