Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Planned Pair-enthood

[NOTE: This is from Saturday, Nov. 29th]

"After this the Lord appointed 70 others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go."
(Luke 10:1)
Jesus has a plan... a 35 city tour! He's coming to a town near
you!! But before he kicks off the road trip, he chooses 70 followers and sends them off to "prepare" the cities for his coming.

There's a couple of insights that jumped out at me today: 1) Jesus didn't send people out alone. He could have either a) chosen only 35 of his best followers and sent them out on their own, or b) sent 70 out to 70 different cities, doubling his reach. But Jesus seemed to know they'd need a partner in ministry! Teamwork is more important than mere numbers. 2) Jesus had a strategic plan. he wasn't just roaming the countryside, traveling wherever the wind blew him. Nope. He had a plan. 35 cities he intended to reach out to. So he sent his followers there ahead of time. 3) Jesus entrusted himself and his power to his followers. He could have gone to all 35 cities without having sent the 70 ahead... he could have done the ministry himself (or at least have overseen everything in person). Instead, he trusted the disciples and entrusted his power to them. The result? 70 people came back extremely excited about the impact THEY had made for the kingdom!

So much to learn here. Especially as we get ready to possibly start a new satellite ministry as a part of Aiea UMC. Can I learn from Luke 10:1? Don't try to do everything myself (work with a partner in ministry)... have a strategic plan... and trust the leaders in the church to be involved in the actual ministry! Train them, empower them, trust them! And then watch how the passion and excitement grows!

PRAYER: You have so much to teach me, Lord. Help me to learn from your examples - especially as we consider moving ahead with the satellite ministry possibility. It's not about me. It's about You and Your kingdom - and the role you've given each of us to play together. AMEN.

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