Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Inquiring minds want to know!!!

"For the shepherds are stupid, and do not inquire of the LORD; therefore they have not prospered, and all their flock is scattered."
(Jeremiah 10:21)

How bad do things have to get before God calls you "stupid!"? Evidently, the leaders of Israel had reached that point! Jeremiah conveys the blunt message to them in chapter 10. What's the source of their stupidity? They haven't looked to God for guidance (they "do not inquire of the LORD"). The result is two-fold: they have not prospered, and they've lost their flock. Historically, this passage alludes to the Babylonian Exile, where so many Israelites were forceably taken to a foreign land for close to 70 years.

This got me thinking: How often do I "inquire of the LORD"? My profession is shepherding! You'd think I'd do this on a consistent basis... but do I? To be honest, probably not enough. And I'm not just talking about "prayer time" (though I could always improve in that area!). What about before I call or visit someone? Before I study or write my sermon? Before preparing for and leading youth group? Before spending time with my kids? Before communicating with Jody? Before choosing to spend my money? How might my day be different if I intentionally sought God?

PRAYER: I don't want to be a "Lone Ranger," Lord. Lead, guide, instruct, and discipline me as you see fit. AMEN.

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