Monday, October 13, 2008

The gift of BLUSH!

"They acted shamefully, they committed abomination; yet they were not at all ashamed, they did not know how to blush."
(Jeremiah 8:12)

"Fair complexioned" folks like myself have a hard time hiding it when we blush. Our light skin seems to 'radiate with rouge' when embarrassment comes upon us. It's just the way God made us.

Reading Jeremiah 8 this morning, I discovered the primary reason God created blushing - it's an indication that one recognizes shame! The people of Judah were being scolded (again) by God via Jeremiah because of their sinful ways. "And they couldn't even blush because of it," says God. It's as if blushing is a gift from God that allows us to recognize when we're in a "compromising situation" (or at least a situation where one should be embarrassed!).

Could it be that God finds blushing "charming" and "endearing" - because He knows that means we're aware of the situation!?! Then we need to rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us out of that situation and into right action.

PRAYER: I don't usually think of blushing as a 'gift,' Lord... but please don't let my heart be so callous that I ever fail to blush. Keep my soul connected to Your Spirit so I always know wright & wrong. Then help me to follow the right! AMEN.

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