Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Marks of Wisdom

[From 2/16/12]

"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of hypocrisy.  And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace."  (James 3:17-18)

It's one thing to stand up for your convictions.  It's another thing altogether to insist on getting your way - or that others accept your beliefs as theirs.  The author of James remarks that divine wisdom has at least seven components...
  • PURITY... no evil, ill will, or selfishness here...
  • PEACEABLE... harmony & grace, not "winners/losers" should frame our conversations & interactions.
  • GENTLENESS... Be aware of how our words/actions impact others!
  • WILLING TO YIELD... True wisdom means we don't always have to get our way, we can yield when necessary, because we're secure in our faith.
  • MERCIFUL... Deeper compassion & grace for others, especially in their weakness.
  • BEARING GOOD FRUIT... let others see that we live what we believe.  Our lives should bless others.
  • WITHOUT HYPOCRISY... very difficult (since we're all hypocrites!), but be sincere, transparent, and straight-forward in everything.
When we live like this, God's wisdom abides in us.

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