Saturday, January 24, 2009

Deep Roots

"Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they did not have much soil, and they sprang up quickly, since they had no depth of soil. But when the sun rose, they were scorched; and since they had no root they withered away."
(Matthew 13:5-6)

I'm totally not a "plant guy." Oh, I love looking at them - I just can't raise them worth a squat. I always seem to forget to water them (a task I've come to discover to be kinda essential for plants). But I was reading "The Parable of the Sower" today in Matthew 13, and got musing on "depth of soil" and root structures.

My prayer for the people of Aiea UMC (and all Christians, for that matter) is that they'd have "deep roots." Roots that pushed deep into the nurturing soil of faith... roots that sucked the life-giving water of the Word of God into their veins... roots that intertwined with the roots of other believers to provide stability amidst the extremities of life.

We're in the process of preparing to launch a satellite ministry at AUMC. Though we haven't given the green light yet to go full-speed ahead, we're square in the discernment process for sure! For me, the ultimate goal of a new satellite ministry is not to "grow the church." THE CHURCH doesn't need to grow (at least not the church as an "institution"). PEOPLE need to grow! People need the Lord. My goal is to help people connect to Jesus and grow in their faith! And I've been thinking a lot lately about how that occurs within a church. Unfortunately, I think churches (or the people within churches) too often have shallow roots. There's little depth to our soil. Regular worship is a vital component of faith development, but roots have to have depth; they need community. Specifically, small group community! That's why the core of our model/vision for this satellite ministry is centered on small groups (like house churches - networked together)... where Bible Study, faith-sharing, evangelism, worship, celebration, encouragement & accountability all meet on a regular basis.

This scripture passage also reminds me of the importance of MY OWN depth of soil and root structure. I don't want to "wither away" as the scorching heat of life comes. May I, too, keep focused on the power of Bible Study (individual & corporate)... the gift of community... and the rich soil that can be found when we're willing to truly invest our lives in the lives of others, for the sake of the Gospel.

So may it be, by the grace of God! AMEN.

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