"All who cleanse themselves of the things I have mentioned will become special utensils, dedicated & useful to the owner of the house, ready for every good work."
(2 Timothy 2:21)
Paul uses cooking utensil imagery in his 2nd letter to Timothy. He gives Timothy a list of activities to avoid (v.14-19), including wrangling over words & profane chatter. If you do this, says Paul, you'll be like a special utensil (as opposed to an ordinary, every-day utensil) to be used by God for good works. In Jewish households, they had some utensils that were set apart as special/sacred. Paul is encouraging the believers to be that for God. Just think, taming our tongues can make us more available to be used by God for good works! Just like I always pick that one plastic pasta spoon. It gets used while so many others just sit in my utensil carrier. I want to be used by God, too.
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