"Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all."
(Romans 12:17)
In the 12th chapter of his letter to the church in Rome, Paul gets on a roll with short, pithy, bullet-point-type exhortations. Including:
- Hate evil, love good...
- Show honor...
- Rejoice in hope...
- Be patient in suffering...
- Persevere in prayer...
- Give to the saints...
- Practice hospitality...
- Bless your enemies...
- Live in harmony with others...
- Be humble...
Paul gives a short note on a pathway for us to follow in these challenging situations: "Take thought for what is noble in the sight of all." What is noble. Hmmm.... So instead of shooting back a snide remark... lifting a not-so-kind finger in protest... or intentionally inflicting some physical or emotional pain upon one who has hurt us... we're challenged to be above that... to think nobly... to seek that which is honorable. In all situations. Wow. That's not always easy to do. However, as followers of Jesus, we believe that God's Holy Spirit can help us respond in loving & noble ways - even when we ourselves might not be inclined to do so. What a gift!
PRAYER: This world is not short on evil, Lord. But that doesn't make it right to respond likewise. Empower me to be able to focus on the noble reactions to others - even when they've "wronged" me... (and especially while I'm driving!). AMEN.
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