Friday, March 6, 2009


[From 3/5/09]

"At once his fame began to spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee."
(Mark 1:28)

Fame. It's definitely one of the highly prized commodities in today's culture. "There's no such thing as 'bad press,'" the saying goes. Athletes, politicians, celebrities, businesses, universities - many are clamoring and jostling for their share of fame. Get your name & face out there for all to know, that's the motto!

One of the hallmarks of Jesus' early ministry, at least according to the gospel of Mark, is that his FAME began to spread. Early & often! I don't think it was due to his "PR Dept." or any "spin doctors" working as part of Jesus' entourage. Nor was it Jesus' style to seek out the crowds for the express purpose of being seen. He began his ministry. He met people where they were. He loved them unconditionally. He offered healing, grace & new life. They, by and large, desperately needed all he had. Thus, his fame spread.

Yesterday I heard a colleague of mine comment about how proud he was to be part of our group (the "Davao 29" - from our Philippines trip) and the work that Compassion International was doing in order to "make Jesus famous." It's not about us. No one person, pastor, church or even denomination deserves fame. It's all about Him. Period.

That puts things in perspective for today.


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