Monday, March 2, 2009


"But they have conquered (the accuser) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, for they did not cling to life even in the face of death."
(Revelation 12:11)

Revelation is so hard to read! Most of the symbolism and images from this book are lost on us in today's society. We don't know exactly what the original author intended (heck, it was intentionally written to be hard to understand, precisely because those in the faith were talking about those in power!). Having said that, I was drawn to this brief statement in 12:11 re: the faithful... they conquered Evil by three things: 1) the blood of Jesus (Christ's atoning sacrifice); 2) Their testimony (their story of God's work in their life); 3) They didn't cling to life - even in the face of death.

It's this third aspect that jumped off the page to me today. I saw in my mind 2 types of people: those who'd do whatever it took to hold on to their life - begging & pleading, running from danger, bargaining, etc. I didn't see this as a "wise & savvy" group... but a panicked, stress-filled group that was terrified of death. The other group, however, had a peace and calm about them. They stood tall in the face of danger. They didn't panic. No fear was in their eyes. Such a contrast.

Now, does that mean the 2nd group was always safe & protected from evil? Of course not. But they knew death was not the end. They loved life and wanted to keep living, of course. But they trusted in The One Who Raises The Dead. So in the face of death, they did not fear, fret, panic or cling.

Most of us today aren't living in an environment where we face death on a regular basis. Then again, in the words of William Wallace ("Braveheart"): "Everyone dies... but not everyone really lives!" To 'really live' as a Christian is to put our entire life in the hands of Christ. To know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our life is bound up together with His forever and ever.

May we live as though we're not afraid to die. But more importantly, may we trust in Christ so that here and now we can truly live this life - not cling to it! AMEN.

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