Friday, January 2, 2009

Signs all around!

"The Pharisees came and began to argue with (Jesus), asking him for a sign from heaven, to test him. And he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, 'Why does this generation ask for a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to this generation.'"
(Mark 8:11-12)

It wasn't an uncommon question - either for then or now. "A sign, please!" They asked for a sign. It's understandable, right? To help us believe. But Jesus said no. "No sign will be given!" Sounds kinda harsh, doesn't it. Then again...
This passage comes directly after a pretty amazing event. Four thousand people were fed on seven loaves and a few small fish. Maybe the Pharisees weren't there. But maybe they heard about it! Maybe they also heard about other things Jesus did: the deaf man being healed, the Syrophoenician's daughter healed, Five thousand fed, Jesus' walking on water, the raising of Jairus' daughter, etc. Signs were happening all around. ALL AROUND!! And all they had to do was look. Then again, maybe they weren't really interested in looking. Verse 11 says they asked for a sign "to test him." So it wasn't for their faith... but rather a game. Hmmm... So Jesus doesn't play games, I see.
Which takes me back to the question about getting signs from God. God doesn't play games... but God does work all around. Maybe instead of asking for signs, we need to be asking for better eyesight! Better vision! Heart vision. Kingdom vision. God vision. Vision to see what God is already doing. Yah, that might be a good idea... for the Pharisee in all of us!
PRAYER: May I never ask something of You, LORD, because of a test. Open my eyes to see the many signs of Your work in the world that is already all around me. AMEN.

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