[From Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2009]
"But God has so arranged the body, giving the greater honor to the inferior members, that there may be no dissension within the body, but the members may have the same care for one another."
(I Corinthians 12:24b-25)
Paul talks about the Church as a body - a body with many parts ("members"). Each part is essential. Each needs to exercise the gifts they've been given for the body to work at its optimum. But Paul recognizes there are some "high profile" parts: eyes, hands, feet, etc. Parts that everyone sees and interacts with and knows. That may lead some to think of themselves as "inferior." But no! We "clothe" our lesser parts to give them more dignity and honor... something the more "high profile" parts don't need. Why? Paul says: "THAT THERE MAY BE NO DISSENSION WITHIN THE BODY... and everyone would have the SAME CARE for one another."
Which got me thinking about the church I'm a part of (recognizing we're just one portion of the overall Body of Christ). There are definitely "high profile" parts - none more than pastor! But if I follow Paul's logic, then I'm not the one who needs honor and accolades. I need to work at giving props to those "behind the scenes" folks whose gifts are just as crucial to the working of the body. It's not about glory and honor - it's about caring for each other!
PRAYER: You know, O God, how I loathe the expression, "It's all about me!" I pray that as a leader I will never get to the point where church, worship, faith and/or discipleship is all about me. Help me foster a sense of community where all feel honored & valued. AMEN.
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