Thursday, February 7, 2013

HE > I

[From Feb. 6, 2013]

"Turn my heart toward your decrees, and not to selfish gain."
(Psalm 119:36)

It's a simple request, really.  And yet an on-going human struggle.  The writer of Psalm 119 asks God for his heart to be turned to Him (God) and away from his own selfish desires.

It's not a "God is good and we're bad" mentality.  The reality is we skew towards ourselves - what we want, desire, think we need, etc.  We tend towards self-preservation, not self-sacrifice.  But the over-arching theme of the Bible is one of putting others first.  God modeled it.  God's love and favor comes to us inspite of how little we "deserve" it.  And God calls us to give ourselves away to others, in that same spirit of love and grace.

HE > I.  A Christian company here in Hawaii has that as it's logo.  He is greater than I (am).  Putting God first.  Desiring what God desires.  Much of the time that's what we do.  But we all have those moments when our human frailty reveals our lusts, desires, and selfishness demanding control.  It's precisely at those times that we need God to turn our hearts towards him.  Psalm 119:36.

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