Tuesday, July 21, 2009


"...whoever walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me."
(Psalm 101:6b)

David is credited as the author of this Psalm. It's a psalm dedicated to a king's rule with justice & integrity. He pledges to "walk with integrity of heart" and keep his eyes away from the things he shouldn't be focusing on ("anything that is base"). He promises to uphold truth and goodness, and will root out anyone among his staff who does otherwise.

But in verse 6, sandwiched between all these pledges & promises of the king, is an interesting statement: "...whoever walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me." The king has an entire staff of people devoted to "ministering" to him. Whatever he needs, they'll take care of it. But David seems to be pointing to something greater here. Anyone in ALL the kingdom who walks with integrity (ie. "blameless") will positively impact the king's soul/spirit ("minister" to him). Anyone! Not only that, but it's as if David is looking for people like that to surround himself with.

Skills & aptitudes are important, indeed. We need people around us who are competent & professional. But could it be that David is recognizing the need for people who simply live right... are honest... full of integrity?

PRAYER: Help me to live right, oh God... and may I, too, LORD, be surrounded by such beloved people. AMEN.

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