Wednesday, March 18, 2009


"But some were there who said to one another in anger, 'Why was the ointment wasted in this way? For this ointment could have been sold for more than 300 denarii, and the money given to the poor.' And they scolded her."
(Mark 14:4-5)

It's the last week of Jesus' life. Time is running out. Jesus knows it. The disciples... well, that's debatable (despite Jesus' numerous discussions with them!). Jesus & Co. are dining at the house of Simon the Leper (another sign of Jesus' inclusive ministry!). In comes a woman with a jar of expensive ointment, and she proceeds to pour it over Jesus' head.

[Side note: In the Old Testament, kings were anointed by pouring oil over their heads. Could it be that this woman was testifying to the "kingship" of Jesus here? Jesus seems to recognize her act as 'preparing my body for burial' - also foreshadowing!]

The disciples get upset. "What a waste!" they exclaim. Well... um... 'waste' is kinda harsh, don'tcha think... given the fact that the poured it on JESUS!!! They remark something about how the ointment could have been sold and the money given to the poor. Now, giving to the poor is a noble cause, of course. But they weren't talking about THEIR RESOURCES... they were talking about her resources! (It's really easy to be generous with someone else's stuff, isn't it?) Jesus reminded them that money can always be given to the poor... but Jesus won't always be with them. Somehow, this unnamed woman got it.

I think the disciples probably felt a bit embarrassed, too. This woman was displaying deep intimacy, devotion & sacrifice here. I can see how it may have been uncomfortable to watch. Plus, they might have been feeling a bit guilty, too... given the fact that they're supposed to be his closest friends, yet she was the one pouring out her heart to Jesus. And Jesus recognized & honored that devotion of hers!

This isn't about 'giving to the poor.' That's understood to be essential and powerful. Granted. This story, however, is about what we're willing to give to Jesus. A year's salary? That's about the value of this woman's ointment. What are we willing to sacrifice for Christ now? It may seem absurd, extravagent, even 'wasteful' to some. But God knows our heart. And if we're giving it to Him willingly and in love, that's all that matters.

PRAYER: Lord, don't let me make excuses for avoiding intimacy with you. Remove all judgmentalism from my heart. Open me up to be able to willingly and lovingly sacrifice to you whenever it is most needed. AMEN.

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