Thursday, October 8, 2015

A calming Presence

[From Oct. 2, 2015]

"Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress; he made the storm be still and the waves of the sea were hushed."
(Psalm 107:28-29)
Psalm 107 speaks about God restoring the Israelite exiles from Babylonian captivity.  The psalmist uses a variety of metaphors to illustrate this.  One deals with ocean imagery.  The people are compared to sea merchants doing business via shipping.  God is the one who orchestrates the wind, waves and the "at sea" experience.  But the sea is often treacherous and overwhelming.  The people got in "over their head" and cried out to the God.  God heard their cry, "brought them out of their distress," and calmed the storm.

The metaphor works fine.  But my heart & mind went straight to Jesus... and his experience with the disciples out on the Sea of Galilee... caught in the storm... Jesus calmed the sea and quieted the waves there, the true embodiment of Emmanuel: God with us!  It's just another reminder to me that God not only hears my cries, but can "calm the storms" of my life - if only I'll look to Him (and not just try to calm them on my own strength/insight).

Thank you, LORD, for your constant presence in my life - especially during the storms.  Calm and quiet the drama so I can focus more on you.  Amen.

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