Sunday, August 9, 2015

Soaked in Love

"...So that through the church the wisdom of God in its rich variety might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in heavenly places." 
(Ephesians 3:10)

One of the interesting aspects of living in Palmdale is that numerous times during the week, the local newspaper (The Antelope Valley Press) runs regular articles & letters by people of faith.  It comes in the Editorial/Commentary section of the paper.  Almost daily I'll see letters from folks with a religious background/agenda.  But there are a also regular columns by local clergy.  One is very conservative.  Another is more mainline & progressive.  They always draw a lot of commentary afterwards, too!  Though I may not agree with the content, they're very interesting to read.

Paul, in his letter to the church at Ephesus, mentions the role of the church is to convey "the wisdom of God" (in it's rich variety - something not all Christians seem to grasp) to the "rulers & authorities in heavenly places."  That's a pretty clear mandate.  Don't keep God's wisdom to ourselves, but SHARE it with all - especially those in key leadership positions (BTW, I'd love to research what Paul meant by 'authorities in heavenly places'... so intriguing!).

But just a few verses later, Paul reminds us believers that our whole purpose in life is to have Christ dwell in our hearts as we are being "rooted and grounded in love."  Wow.  I love that.  As we share God's wisdom with others, are we soaking it in love or judgment?  Grace or condemnation?  Personally, I want to be rooted & grounded in love.  It sounds like the much better option! ;)

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