Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A finals week text

"And you, Ezra, according to the God-given wisdom you possess..."
(Ezra 7:25a)

Today is the first day of finals at Judson University in Elgin, IL.  My son, Ezra, is a junior there.  This is his first semester at Judson.  He spent his first two years of higher education at Montreat College near Asheville, NC.  He's a collegiate athlete (soccer is his sport of choice!).  I'm really proud of him.  He's maintained an excellent GPA while being an athlete (ie. missing classes while traveling for games, time away from studying on the practice field, etc.). 

So today I was reading 2 chapters in the book that bears his name.  The scribe, Ezra, is being sent back to Jerusalem (from captivity in Babylon) to help rebuild the temple.  The King (Artaxerxes) is sending him with money & his blessing.  He also knows that Ezra has "God-given wisdom" and encourages him to use it.

It was a neat moment for me this morning.  As I was reading the words of Scripture, I was reminded of the wisdom that God has given my son.  We still don't know where his journey will eventually lead - what God has in store for his future & career... but it was a reminder that God has indeed given him wisdom.  So I texted him this morning, encouraging him to use that godly wisdom.

And I am grateful for my son.


Blake, Collin County Conservative Republican said...

And your gratitude shines through every time you write of him, post pictures of him, talk of his games, and look at him when he's nearby. You and your family are blessed.

Blake, Collin County Conservative Republican said...

And your gratitude shines through every time you write of him, post pictures of him, talk of his games, and look at him when he's nearby. You and your family are blessed.