Friday, April 4, 2014

Learning from my rose bushes

[From 8/27/13]

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinegrower.  He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit.  Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more!"
(John 15:1-2)

I have 5 rose bushes in my yard.  Jody asked for them over the years.  It's the gift that keeps on giving, if you know what I mean.  I've learned a little about "growing" & "flowering" from them:
  • Watering is important.  We don't have a usable hose on that side of the house, so I either have to drag one from the front, or carry a bucket of water.  Or, just let the rain water it (which is my usual default mode - so you can imagine how (in)frequently the rose bush buds!).
  • Pruning helps focus the growth in specific areas... Branches left to grow wild may not (usually don't) flower.  So when I prune non-flowering branches, it helps focus the energy for growing on the prolific areas of the plant.
  • Some bushes are more flower-bearing than others... I don't know if it's the kind of bush or just the ones we have in our yard, but past growth (flowering) is a great indicator of future growth!
  • Fertilization helps... Bushes can't grown on their own as well as they can with nutrients!
John reminds me that my "ob" is to stay connected to Jesus as the course of my life.  He fertilizes me and keeps me connected to the life-bearing energy of God.  I must allow him to remove unwanted ("unfruitful") branches in my life, and prune me for greater growth.

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