Thursday, April 26, 2012


[From April 19, 2012]

"Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to your steadfast love remember me, for your goodness sake, O LORD!"
(Psalm 25:7)

As an adult, I try to be honest with God about my life.  When I fall short of His will for me - when I act in ways that do not honor him - when I sin... I ask for his forgiveness & cleansing.  Many of us seek to live this way.

Psalm 25 talks about God not remembering the "sins of my youth or my transgressions."  Which got me thinking... was I as "spiritually aware" as a child & youth as I am now?  Was I quick to acknowledge & confess my sin?  Probably not.  I know that once I was baptized all my prior sin was washed clean... but still, can I say without a doubt that I've asked God to forgive & cleanse me from ALL of the sins of my youth?  I'm not sure.

I love how the psalmist ends verse 7: "Don't remember the sins of my youth, God.  Remember me!"  Remember the relationship not the sinful actions.

PRAYER: Oh Go, forgive & cleanse me of all my past (and present!) unrighteousness.  Create in me a clean heart!  Fill those dark places with your Spirit and Light.  Thank you for remembering your relationship with me over the years.  I love you, Lord!  I love you!

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