Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Comeback

"When all these things have happened to you... if you call them to mind... and return to the LORD your God, and you & your children obey him with all your heart and with all your soul... then the LORD your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you..."
(Deuteronomy 30:1-3)

God has just set a new agreement (covenant) with the people of Israel.  They're about to enter their new land and God wants to make sure they keep their relationship with Him a priority.  A lengthy list of "blessings & curses" takes place... and now it's up to the people.  They decide: blessing or curse?  Life or death?

But in chapter 30, God makes an interesting statement: no matter what happens to them (ie. blessings or curses), if the people use it as an opportunity to RETURN to God with all their heart & soul, then God will have compassion on them.

Life happens.  All the time.  All around us.  Good, bad & indifferent.  But how often do we use those experiences (whatever they may be) to draw our hearts back to God?  This passage from Deuteronomy 30 reminds us that's what's ultimately important.  The great Come-back... coming back to God... either out of blessings or struggles... that's what counts!  Amen to that!

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