Friday, October 9, 2009

In our own time...

"LORD, I have heard of your renown, and I stand in awe, O LORD, of your work.  In our own time, revive it; in our own time, make it known."
(Habakkuk 3:2)

Every time I read the 3 short chapters of Habakkuk, I come away with a new 'gem.'  One of my all-time favorite passages in all of scripture is Habakkuk 3:17-19 (and I thought I'd be journaling about that today - wrong!)... and yet it was the 2nd verse of chapter 3 that spoke loudest to me today.

I picture a person of deep faith... yet weathered and worn from life.  Someone who knows about God, believe in God - probably even has a vital relationship WITH God... but recognizes God has been silent of late.  This is a person rooted & grounded in the great history of God's majesty and power... and yet desires that same experience now - in his time and era.  "In our own time, revive (your work); in our own time, make it known."

Those of us "in the church" stand in the stream of the great tradition of faith.  Once we've personally experienced God's presence & power, it's life-changing.  But not everyone has that experience.  There are many people today who LONG for that kind of personal experience of God.  Not necessarily a "parting the Red Sea" kind of thing - but something that echoes of Truth, Assurance, and Grace.

What might happen if this became our prayer today?  "In our time, revive your work, O Lord!"  Not to build up any particular church or denomination - but to connect people to The One who brings abundance to life!  Might I (we) be willing to pray that prayer on a regular basis?

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