Friday, May 15, 2009


"When a man is newly married, he shall not go out with the army or be charged with any related duty. He shall be free at home one year, to be happy with the wife whom he has married."
(Deuteronomy 24:5)

There are some pretty interesting laws found in the 3 chapters of Deuteronomy 22-24... tackling such subjects as: cross-dressing, roof construction, blended clothing, rape, wet dreams, designated "outhouse" areas, runaway slaves, charging interest, kidnapping, payday, and lost tools (to name just a few!). But I was fascinated by Deuteronomy 24:5 which allows for a newly married man to be released from army duty for a year (or at least from being sent out to war), so he can enjoy his marriage.

I'm guessing this was an expression of the harsh reality of the life of a soldier. The chances were good that he might not come back from a battle. So to honor the sacred relationship of marriage, the Israelites were given at least one year together when married (how romantic!).

Today, the vast majority of society are not soldiers. However, I wonder how the spirit of this law (honoring marriage in a newlywed couple) could be translated into modern times?
  • Would we prohibit men from frequenting night clubs, bars & parties without their newly wedded wives (and vice versa)... so as to avoid the dangerous temptations of flirtation & adultery?
  • Would we prohibit newlywed couples from having children during year one - so they can truly enjoy each other before having to care for a child (which radically changes every relationship)?
  • Would we prohibit any dangerous/risky behaviors (ie. alcohol, drug-use, speeding/racing, gang-involvement, etc.)... so as to better preserve the lives of these couples?
It's an interesting question, isn't it? But there's something to be said for a culture that embeds rules to help protect, preserve, & strengthen a newly-married couple. Now... what about going BEYOND year one?!?!?

PRAYER: Help me to put my relationship with Jody as a priority, Lord... safeguard my thoughts, words & actions to protect my marriage. And help me to encourage other marriages to be strengthened - in the first year and far beyond! AMEN.

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