Monday, December 8, 2008

Things that make for peace

"As (Jesus) came near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, 'If you, even you, had only recognized on htis day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.'"
(Luke 19:41-42)

Jerusalem. The Holy City. So much potential! But on this day, it brought tears to Jesus' eyes (and not the "touchingly good" kind, either). Jesus knew his days were drawing to a close... and the majority of the people will miss out on the fact that He is there to bring them new life, hope and peace. That's why He laments that they've failed to recognize ("on this day") the things that make for peace.

We live in a world where violence is far too often the norm. I wonder if Jesus is weeping over our cities today? Is He lamenting the fact that we're failing to recognize the things that make for peace?!? The people of Jerusalem missed that JESUS was the "things that make for peace." Jesus! Have we domesticated Jesus so much today that His radical message of enemy love, suffering servanthood, and amazing grace fail to have the impact He intended? Hmmm....

PRAYER: Peace. Peace. Peace. Teach me. Open my eyes to see. Lead my heart to follow You, Jesus. AMEN.

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