"At once his fame began to spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee."
(Mark 1:28)
It's the start of Jesus' ministry. He's begun to call some disciples (Simon, Andrew, James & John)... and then went to teach in the synagogue on the Sabbath. Not only was his teaching impressive, but he healed a man "with an unclean spirit." Just after these few things, Mark tells us that Jesus' "fame began to spread."
Which got me thinking... in order for fame to spread, people have to tell others (duh!). I doubt there were any newspaper reporters present in the synagogue. So those who were at the synagogue to learn that day had to have been the ones who "spread the fame." I'm sure the guy who was healed told others. Probably those who were his friends did, too. Did the new disciples?
What about us? The tendency for many of us today as Christians is to keep our faith just between us and God. Not impose our beliefs on others. Keep it quiet & simple. Oh sure, we may invite a few people to church with us from time to time... but do we "spread the fame" of Jesus on a regular basis? Probably not. As this story shows, however, Jesus' fame WILL SPREAD. It's only natural. Why not by us?!? Why not?
PRAYER: Lord, You have done marvelous things in my life. I know this to the bottom of my core. Help me to thank you by "spreading the fame" about you to others. All the time. AMEN.