Wednesday, November 19, 2008


"This shall be (the Levitical priests') inheritance: I am their inheritance; and you shall give them no holding in Israel; I am their holding."
(Ezekiel 44:28)

The prophet Ezekiel is in the midst of a massive vision of the temple in Jerusalem, being shown all the aspects & dimensions of how the rebuilt temple shall be (personally, it's kind of boring reading, to be honest). Then here in chapter 44, God gives regulations for the Levitical priests. Among the instructions come this poignant statement about their inheritance (their share of the land they'll receive, like the various12 tribes received): THEY GOT NO-THING... no property at all. Why? Because GOD was their inheritance!

At first glance it may seem like the priests get the short end of the stick. "Yea. We get God. Wow. Thanks. That's just great." Doesn't everyone get God? How is this an "inheritance"? Sounds more like a cost-savings measure! But then I thought about it a bit deeper. People at large need a place to live and a means by which to make a living. So they get allocations and inheritances. "But the priests don't need those things," says God, "because they'll have me!" God is saying that He'll be ALL they'll need! Not only that, but that His presence with them is an inheritance! The privilege of communing with the Holy One of Israel on a regular basis is indeed a gift of great value!!

We clergy can get into the inheritance/benefits race. We know we won't get rich by being pastors, but that doesn't stop us from thinking about (and lobbying for) a bigger salary, greater benefits, increased expense accounts, more money for our 401K, etc. And sure, we need to provide for our families just like everyone else. BUT... we also have an incredible gift by the very nature of our calling. We are together with God on a regular basis. Everyone can, of course. But we are intentional about it (hopefully!). "I am your inheritance," says God. "I AM!"

PRAYER: Forgive me, God for getting caught up in the quest for "more." Thank You for reminding me that You are all I need! What a privilege. What a gift. What a calling. AMEN.

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