Thursday, September 9, 2010

Noisy Joy

"Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth.  Worship the LORD with gladness; come into his presence with singing."
(Psalm 100:1)

We live in a world full of noise.  Heck, we ourselves make a lot of noise!  Radios/iPods/Computers/TVs/DVRs/DVDs etc. are going non-stop in our lives.  Our modes of transportation are noisy (unless we drive a hybrid, of course).  It's hard to find quiet places these days.  Not to mention our grumbling - in traffic, with coworkers or classmates, at home... over the economy, politicians, athletic teams, the weather, etc.  Noise is everywhere.

Psalm 100 calls us to refocus our noisy lives.  It doesn't condemn them, but rather challenges us to turn it into joy and focus on God.  'MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE TO THE LORD ALL THE EARTH!'  Everyone.  Every creature.  All Creation.  In unison.  In praise.  IN JOY!  Gladness, thanksgiving, adn singing should be the norm.  That would be joyful noise!

How can I change my life to have more joy-filled noise?  Instead of grumbling at others, I want to sing praise throughout my day.  I want to have a grateful heart.  Not because I 'have to,' but because it's bound to make a difference on how I experience life.  JOYFUL NOISE.  Let's give it a shot.

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