"As I looked at the (four) living creatures... I heard the sound of their wings like the sound of mighty waters, like the thunder of the Almighty..."
(Ezekiel 1:15, 24)
For the second day in a row I've read a passage in scripture that describes God (or a Divine Presence) with "the sound of mighty waters." I almost wrote about it yesterday... so I HAD to write about it today!
Water is used in powerful ways throughout the Bible: Creation waters, Noah's flood, Red Sea parting, water from the rock in the wilderness, Crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land, Jonah's "deep sea" adventure, John the Baptist's "immersions" in the Jordan, Jesus' turning water into wine, and Jesus and the "Living Water" of the woman at the well, etc. But here, it's the SOUND of rushing waters that denotes a divine presence (yesterday, Revelation 1 said God's voice sounded like this, too!).
That reminds me of hiking in Hawaii to various waterfalls (especially Akaka Falls on the Big Island)... or seeing/hearing tv images of Niagara Falls... or being in Yosemite & Yellowstone National Parks! There's something quite grand about seeing might waters falling - but hearing them is something else!!! The sound is overwhelming & constant! But what about something as simple as being in the shower? Can that evoke a connection to the Divine? Sure! (If I remember while I'm in the shower).
God is often so hard to describe, explain, and experience that humanity uses words & metaphors which are familiar. [NOTE: I'm sitting here in Starbucks and a 'golden oldie' is playing over the sound system: "Into each life a little rain must fall, but too much is falling in mine." This reminds me of living in Hilo, Hawaii... and how we'd get some MASSIVE rain storms! The sound of rain hitting the tin roof is amazing! Metaphorically, I wonder if some feel that "too much" of God falls upon them at times?!?]
Bottom line: every time I hear the sound of water, I'm going to try and remember God!