"The LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail."
(Isaiah 58:11)
So much of Isaiah is calling the people back to the LORD... back to living rightly, the way God intended (and not mere "lip service"). Along the way God chastises, scolds, & corrects. But God also always seems to leave a message of grace. Here in chapter 58, God pledges to "satisfy your needs in parched places." That jumped out at me today. Parched places.
This earth was created with water... it was meant to have water... otherwise it dies (the same is true for humans!). Growing up in Arizona, I've seen some "parched places" in desperate need of life-giving water. Heck, in my own back yard here in Aiea there are some pretty parched places (since I don't water much... okay, never... and I'm dependent on the rains for water!). I also know how refreshing water is after a workout (basketball, tennis, etc.) - how good it tastes and how water restores the body. God tells us that he knows where we're "parched" in our lives: relationships, dreams, health, jobs, spirit, _______ (add your parched place here)______ ... and God will satisfy those needs! Wow. What a promise! Can you imagine what that could be like in your life? In mine?
PRAYER: Gracious, life-giving God... thank you for knowing my needs. You know where I'm "parched." You know it at times when even I don't know it (or refuse to acknowlege it). Open my eyes to see and my heart to know that you do indeed satisfy. AMEN.